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Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor looks over(检查) him carefully and says, “Medicine can’t help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month. Go to bed early, drink some milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar(抽一支雪茄烟) a day.”4F7{7D'z;h:b

“Thank you very much,” said Old John. “I can do everything you say.”4F7{7D'z;h:b

Four weeks later, Old John comes to the doctor again. “Well,” says the doctor,4F7{7D'z;h:b

“I am glad to see you. You look much younger.”4F7{7D'z;h:b

“Oh, doctor,” says Old John, “I feel quiet well now. I have a good rest. I go to bed4F7{7D'z;h:b

early, I drink a lot of milk and walk a lot. Your advice (建议) helps me. But you ask me to smoke one cigar a day, and it nearly kills me at first. It is no joke(笑话) to smoke at my age.4F7{7D'z;h:b

9W2C'W-o0U9r,T*m0X6h+l;k7K1.The doctor .4F7{7D'z;h:b

A. asks him to take some medicine.4F7{7D'z;h:b

B. asks him not to take any medicine.4F7{7D'z;h:b

C. doesn’t say any word about medcine. www.4F7{7D'z;h:b

D. gives him some medcine.4F7{7D'z;h:b

,q9[+@'o9t(A;|2.Old John after four weeks.4F7{7D'z;h:b

A.doesn’t B.looks younger C.is young D.is old4F7{7D'z;h:b

3h:o'B8_0?9n+T/o+n'a2[6B3.Which one is true?4F7{7D'z;h:b

A. Old John smokes now.4F7{7D'z;h:b

B. Old John doesn’t smoke now.4F7{7D'z;h:b

C. Old John smokes less than before.(比以前少)4F7{7D'z;h:b

D. Old John doesn’t smoke a cigar a day.4F7{7D'z;h:b

6U8n+@4w-Q'H4.What does Old John need?4F7{7D'z;h:b

A.Some medicine. B.Some water.4F7{7D'z;h:b

C.A lot of rest. D.A cigar.4F7{7D'z;h:b

:K6|+y3T.Z3^8`)b'F*U5.The best title(标题) of this story should be .4F7{7D'z;h:b

A.Old John. B.Old John is ill.4F7{7D'z;h:b

C.The doctor’s advice(建议). D.One cigar a day.4F7{7D'z;h:b
