首页 > 学习 > 习题 > 英语四年级下册 > 阅读题 > 阅读短文Hello,I’mSally.E




Hello, I’m Sally. Every day, I get up at six twenty. Then I do ten minutes sports. After that, I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I have breakfast. At seven twenty-five, I walk to school. I get to school at seven forty. I’m never late for school. I take a walk after dinner with my mother. After that, I do my homework. Then I pack my schoolbag and brush my teeth. At nine o’clock, I go to bed.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v


.E3|3a3` 1.Sally does ten minutes’ sports every day.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v

0Q-O/E)y1O-U5U.r+H 2.Sally gets up at 6:30 in the morning.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v

.M:@7L)x/c3g8n.S 3.Sally brushes her teeth and washes her face before she does sports.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v

4d(R5}5| 4.Sally goes to school by bus and gets to school at 7:40.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v

6M8S8G/K*B 5.Sally is always late for school.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v

1O(i8}4Z 6.Sally takes a walk after dinner.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v

)@8P:d3l2l*^+w9g5t'p4V 7.Sally does her homework before dinner.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v

9K7^3?*E+y;K 8.Sally packs her bag and brushes her teeth before she goes to bed.8x:z-t:R(Q,{'z5v
