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My Uncle Jim0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

Hello. My name is Richie. Let me tell you about my Uncle Jim. He’s my favourite uncle. He’s tall. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He’s 34 years old. He likes wearing his red and yellow shirt. It’s the shirt of his favourite soccer team.0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

Uncle Jim loves soccer and fishing. He comes to visit us every Sunday. Every time he comes to visit, we play soccer together in the park. And sometimes, he takes me fishing by the river.0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

When we catch some fish, we bring them home. Then Uncle Jim stays for dinner. He likes to cook the fish for us all to eat. Uncle Jim is a good cook. He is almost as good as my mom! While we’re eating dinner, he tells funny stories about fishing and soccer. He makes me laugh. My uncle Jim is a funny man.0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._


:z0I9l+x1. Why does Uncle Jim like wearing his red and yellow shirt?0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

A. because Richie gave it to him0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

B. because it’s the shirt of his favourite soccer team0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

C. because he has red hair0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

5?7P-|+z+Q6s+^7t-j 2. Why do Richie and Uncle Jim go to the park every Sunday?0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

A. to play soccer0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

B. to catch fish0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

C. to watch Uncle Jim’s favourite soccer team0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

1C;H7j6c*h 3. Why does Uncle Jim stay for dinner when they catch some fish?0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

A. Because he likes to watch the soccer on TV0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

B. Because he likes the way Richie’s mom cooks the fish0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._

C. Because he likes to cook the fish for Richie’s family.0}/o5A(\*A6n6E3G,G)y8g*w._
