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Tom is a singer. He likes singing very much. Every morning he gets up very early. He does morning exercises for 20 minutes. Then he sings for 30 minutes. Then he eats breakfast at about 6:30. He goes to work at 6:45. It’s very far to his work place. So he usually goes there by subway. He teaches students, too. He is a good teacher. His students like him very much. He lives in a very big house. He likes playing the piano at night. Sometimes he reads newspapers. But he never watches TV. He often writes e-mails to his parents. He loves them.(~0_+A7B

+l'e'b2K6~0i3[9y(D3Y 1. When does Tom usually get up?(~0_+A7B

A. At 6:00(~0_+A7B

B. At 5:40(~0_+A7B

6Q;`1})s0y+_3e-x4\ 2. He often plays ________ at night.(~0_+A7B

A. the piano(~0_+A7B

B. the violin(~0_+A7B

*Y5~:z4B1Z+M0S3n(x2i 3. He doesn’t like_________.(~0_+A7B

A. watching TV(~0_+A7B

B. reading newspapers(~0_+A7B

,n*Q/n3q2p+T-_'c 4. He often writes ________ to his father and mother.(~0_+A7B

A. letters(~0_+A7B

B. e-mails(~0_+A7B

'?*t-E+h)t2X;d4k'F 5. Tom’s home is ________ from his workplace.(~0_+A7B

A. not far(~0_+A7B

B. far(~0_+A7B
