首页 > 学习 > 习题 > 英语六年级下册 > 填空题 > 完形填空。Mr.Millerownedabigsh




Mr. Miller owned a big shop in the main street of a small town. He sold jewelry (珠宝) ,watches, clocks and some___1___things. Everything went___2___and he made lots of money. But last month, some thieves___3___into his shop at night and stole lots of jewelry. What's worse, this happened twice in one month, and the police were looking___4___the thieves. Mr. Miller was very___5___. He did what he could to help the police___6___the thieves as quickly as possible. He bought a camera ___7___ cost him $ 12 000. He put it on the wall ___8___ it would picture the thieves if they came again. He also put some___9___jewelry in front of the camera.,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

After___10___days, the thieves did come. This time they didn't take any of the cheap jewelry. They took the camera!,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

0R:X8[-C1N:P 1. A. other B. the other C. others D. another,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

;|0[+K*S(Q5c6`8X-A8w'I*r2L 2. A. good B. badly C. well D. nice,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

4a+V(p 3. A. break B. breaked C. broken D. broke,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

;{)G0Y3a7g*O4I/p5c'p 4. A. at B. for C. up D. out,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

3q*w/f4z1S-F(W)m+q.^6L7W;m3S:c5L 5. A. happy B. excited C. angry D. pleased,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

.R:o)E3s'R'|(\1_.N)i1v0j 6. A. catch B. catches C. caught D. catching,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

:E(G7E0^0^([5C9N7a/m(m 7. A. who B. what C. whom D. which,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

+C0|:N:C0T1O 8. A. so that B. in order to C. such that D. as that,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

)M.V7k*|6P3g+^.w,|(D 9. A. old B. new C. cheap D. expensive,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k

,K(X6o+]*`6z;k8@:}:I'T3B7q 10. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few,R7d/i4H8Z6H(k
