首页 > 学习 > 习题 > 英语六年级下册 > 填空题 > 完形填空。Thebestwayoflearning




The best way of learning a language is always using it. The best way of learning spoken English is ___1___ in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words ___2___ up and people will not ___3___ you. Sometimes people will ___4___ things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But ___5___ you keep your sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you ___6___. Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing ___7___ your mistakes. It’s ___8___ for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, ___9___ they don’t understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: “Don’t be ___10___ of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

8d1t6U,G;A6@:^8g4H't 1. A. listening B. talking C. reading D. writing)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

(b5a1W+q.},S*d+t 2. A. mix B. mixing C. to mix D. mixed)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

'[;e:o9A5M 3. A. like B. know C. help D. understand)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

)O8b1A1{/n-a0X4| 4. A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

7I.l(n*{,[5y4F1o 5. A. if B. when C. since D. although)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

+O6G2m(V5_9C;@;L,y-D;q 6. A. have B. make C. take D. product)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

)L9Q-x6U3O5y6f5y2D 7. A. at B. on C. in D. for)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

/?7k.x7?4}'L8I/@-S3m,w3a*{4r 8. A. good B. better C. best D. well)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

,]*q2U5\*e+J4L8A4l 9. A. unless B. because C. as soon as D. as long as)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r

.R6W2L7V:o1y*`6x.W4F5m7m 10. A. sad B. worry C. afraid D. unhappy)M.c;W9Z8x4P-o,g4R1H*r
