首页 > 学习 > 习题 > 英语六年级下册 > 阅读题 > 根据短文内容选择正确答案,并将




My name is Li Lei. I'm Chinese. I'm twelve. This is a picture of my family at home. You can see my father. My mother,my sister一Li Hua and me. I have a nice bedroom. There is a photo on the wall.2B*s6T-E:~2D

It's old. Who is that one behind the doll? Is it my sister? No,it's me. I look young. How old am I in the photo? I think one. My mother is a worker. My father is a teacher of English. He has an American friend,Mr Green. His family are in China. His son, Jims is a student. We are in the same school, but different classes. We are good friends,too.2B*s6T-E:~2D

'w,L5w+Z:b'Y*Z8N)E.x+F1X+U1. I have .2B*s6T-E:~2D

A. one sister2B*s6T-E:~2D

B. one brother2B*s6T-E:~2D

C. two friends.2B*s6T-E:~2D

){8s'T'T7r)u-}2. The baby in the old picture is .2B*s6T-E:~2D

A. Li Hua2B*s6T-E:~2D

B. Li Lei2B*s6T-E:~2D

C. Jim2B*s6T-E:~2D

9h(i0[:m/q9G;]/m8K.F1m1g5D3. Mr. Green is good friend.2B*s6T-E:~2D

A. my2B*s6T-E:~2D

B. my mother's2B*s6T-E:~2D

C. my father's2B*s6T-E:~2D

2U-j)B+H;_(`5b)y'{*W4. My father is .2B*s6T-E:~2D

A. a worker2B*s6T-E:~2D

B. an English teacher2B*s6T-E:~2D

C. a teacher of Chinese2B*s6T-E:~2D

4K1t'['Y4c5N5. Jim and I are not in different .2B*s6T-E:~2D

A. schools2B*s6T-E:~2D

B. classes2B*s6T-E:~2D

C. grades2B*s6T-E:~2D
