首页 > 学习 > 习题 > 英语六年级下册 > 填空题 > 完形填空。TheInternethasbecome




The Internet has become an important part of teenage life. Most of them use the Internet to get lots of knowledge and ___1___. The teenagers keep in touch with their friends online. It's___2___than phoning someone far away and e-mail is___3___much quicker than ordinary mail.:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

But some teenagers are not using it___4___the right way. Some of them would find life difficult without it. Some teenagers spend___5___time online. Some of the students who used to do well at school are now failing in exams because now they spend most of their___6___playing games online.:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

It is___7___for teenagers to use the Internet properly. They should learn___8___to use the Internet for study and keep away from___9___websites. They should make sure that surfing the Net doesn't___10___their homework or being with their friends.:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

+S8k/b1B-~1. A. discussions B. friends C. information D. money:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

,w'\(_9C*T/n0r2. A. more expensive B. dearer C. cheapest D. cheaper:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

8E8|9^;S9d)G0x:g3. A. too B. also C. either D. as well:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

2h:b6j1_)x+l*H(Q,h4. A. in B. by C. with D. on:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

.d(X;`5. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. so many:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

-?)n5r1v;T1y6. A. time B. money C. knowledge D. attention:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

5l(x2Q0D;Q/E7. A. useless B. important C. impossible D. unpleasant:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

2k(Z-{,L9E:Z3q9Y8. A. what B. why C. where D. how:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

,M,@5L-r/]*\3?9. A. good B. useful C. bad D. healthy:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y

:\;p-V10. A. take the place of B. take place C. take down D. take off:J4p'W-G;^8J/A)j3c1Q:`.]6Q5P+l0w7U3O(I4n1y
